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Grand Opening of Solaire Apartments in San Jose, CA!

apartment balcony that depicts the words "Solaire Apartments" above front door to property

California Community Reinvestment Corporation (CCRC) was excited to be represented by Originations Analyst Owen Patterson at the Grand Opening of Solaire Apartments in San Jose, CA, this Monday!

Solaire Apartments is an affordable housing development by Eden Housing, Inc. that champions sustainability and access for the residents of its 130-units.

man speaking at podium on right side of blue white and green balloons
CCRC's Owen Patterson was honored to represent the organization and speak on behalf of the people at CCRC who saw Solaire Apartments to its opening.

With a centralized location, including accessible transportation through the nearby Diridon Station, as well as 50% dedicated units to act as permanent supportive housing for unhoused community members, Solaire Apartments emphasizes long-term thought and commitment to the San Jose community.

The Grand Opening celebrated the diligent work of Eden Housing and the many partnered organizations and community members who brought Solaire Apartments to life. CCRC was honored to provide long-term financing on this development and looks forward to seeing how Solaire Apartments supports the city of San Jose into the future!

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